Save Some Ammunition!

January 2006

One of the first memories I have of the American Revolutionary War was hearing the story of the general's order to his men "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." Can you imagine the patience and discipline it took for those colonial soldiers to sit still and let the British march on them and then at the last minute opening fire at point- blank range?

Do you have the discipline and patience it takes to be a successful investor? Can you sit for a couple of months with money in a money market account or short-term CD waiting for buying opportunities to appear? Warren Buffett is well-known as the world's most successful investor. Did you know that in the late 1960's, after a long run-up in the stock market, and against all conventional wisdom at that time, he chose to liquidate his investment group and return their money because he did not see sufficient value or buying opportunities in the stock market? After years of run-up in stock prices, Mr. Buffett just pulled the plug on his investment group and refunded the cash to his investors. Most professional investors still punch drunk over the heady stock run-up at that time thought he was crazy and continued to invest as if the market could only continue to go up.

As commentator and story teller Paul Harvey would say, "Now comes the rest of the story." A couple of years later, when the market dropped by 46% in years 1973-1974, Mr. Buffett and his friends had the cash to buy into the stock market and take advantage of inexpensive stocks whose stock prices were now a fraction of what they had been. Had they followed the crowd and remained fully invested, they would have suffered market losses and not had the liquid cash to take advantage of the great buying opportunity that presented itself.

Every year about this time, new money flows into retirement accounts as our investors make their year- end, tax favored investments. I can not tell you how many phone calls and emails I receive imploring me to quickly invest their funds as the caller "does not want their money just sitting in a money market account earning nothing."

Yes, I have been known at this time of year to hold onto cash in money market accounts until I get a sense of direction that I feel comfortable with. If you are one of my investors who finds themselves frustrated because I am not immediately investing your funds in the market, please be patient and know that I may just be waiting "until I see the whites of their eyes." Let history be the judge of how well we do over the long-run; do not be in too big a hurry to invest 100% of your cash into today's markets.

For most of my readers, if the stock market takes off like a rocket sled, you already have an historically high percentage of your investment portfolio that will participate. If on the other hand, the market does the funky monkey, then it might be nice to be holding some cash to go bargain hunting. Maybe it would be easier to think of cash as ammunition that you are holding as you wait to get an easier shot!

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